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Gas Station Pricing Sign Numbers

Call Zip Sign Letters at 800-270-3343 to place an order.
Gas Station numbers lead time – Standard colors: 3-5 business days; Custom Colors: 5-7 business days.
Gas station numbers specifications.

Gas Station Pricing Number
Sizes and Prices
6″ A 6-7/8″ 4″ 4″ $3.20
7″ A 8-7/8″ 4-1/2″ 4″ $4.66
8″ A 9-7/8″ 6″ 5″ $6.92
8″ B 9-7/8″ 7″ 7″ $8.06
9″ A 10-7/8″ 6″ 4″ $7.62
10″ A 11-7/8″ 6-1/2″ 4-1/2″ $9.00
10″ B 11-7/8″ 9-1/2″ 7-1/2″ $13.16
11″ A 12-7/8″ 7″ 6″ $10.52
11″ B 12-7/8″ 10″ 8″ $15.02
12″ A 13-7/8″ 7-1/2″ 6-1/2″ $12.14
12″ B 13-7/8″ 11″ 7-1/2″ $17.80
12″ C 13-7/8″ 7″ 5″ $11.34
13″ A 14-7/8″ 7″ 6″ $12.14
15″ A-Pos 16-7/8″ 8″ 6-1/2″ $15.76
15″ A-Rev 16-7/8″ 8-1/2″ 6-1/2″ $16.74
15″ B 16-7/8″ 12-1/4″ 9-1/2″ $24.12
16″ A 17-7/8″ 8-1/2″ 8-1/2″ $17.72
17″ A 18-7/8″ 9-1/2″ 7″ $20.92
17″ B 18-7/8″ 13-3/4″ 9″ $30.28
18″ B 20″ 13-1/2″ 8″ $31.50
20″ A 21-7/8″ 11″ 9″ $28.08
24″ A 25-7/8″ 12″ 10-1/4″ $36.22
24″ B 25-7/8″ 16″ 13″ $48.30
30″ A 31-7/8″ 18″ 13″ $66.94
32″ A 33-7/8″ 17″ 14″ $67.18
33″ C 34-7/8″ 14″ 14″ $56.96


  • Material: Acrylic (Material thickness increases with panel size)
  • Corners: Square unless otherwise specified
  • Clear Coating: UV Protective Coating application
  • Color: Black and Red (Custom colors available)
  • Styles: A, B, C
  • Sizes: 6″ to 50″ in both positive and reverse numerals
  • Material Options: 0.080 or 0.100 Acrylic; 0.093 Polycarbonate; 0.095
  • Tenth Panel: Please specify .9 or 9/10
  • Pocket System is recommended for 15″ on up to prevent large numerals from bowing and falling off main sign.
  • All numeral panels must have the same width size
  • Pricing: Based on panel height & width not copy size
  • Availability: Standard colors 3-5 working days; Custom Colors: 5-7 working days

Gas Station Pricing
Numbers Styles A, B, & C

Gas Station Numbers Styles A, B, C

Gas Pricing Numerals Reverse Copy Styles A, B, C

Gas Station Pricing Font Sets
(based on double face sign)
Set of 44 70 96 142
1 4 6 8 12
2 4 6 8 12
3 4 6 8 12
4 4 6 8 12
5 4 6 8 12
6 & 9 4 8 12 18
7 4 6 8 12
8 4 6 8 12
0 4 6 8 12
small 9
or 9/10
2 4 6 8
2. 2 2 2 4
3. 2 4 6 8
4. 2 4 6 8